Board of Directors
Patti Borchardt
David Fauver
VP Administration
John Fried
VP Caravans
Sherrie Koehler
Florence Dickerson
Marcella Jones
Membership Director
Barbara Tuma
Entertainment Director
Dan Lothrop
Immediate Past President
Joe Tuma
Director at Large
Pat Lothrop
Director at Large
Richard Young
Director at Large
Support Staff
Susan Zimmerman
Wheel Prints Editor
Toni Viergutz
Facebook Administrator
Ad & Sally Adams
Hospitality – Caravan Meetings (AM)
Nadene Forsyth
50/50 Raffle Chair
Phyl Cipolla
Judy Nuest
Sunshine Chair
Dave & Shirley John
Hospitality – General Business Meetings (PM)
Pat Lothrop
50/50 Raffle Chair backup
Mark Basel & Gloria Fried
Content Manager (Webmaster)
Casey Portnoy
Merchandise Chair
All Members are Welcome to be Greeters